h1lloHealth Benefits of Swimming for Seniors
There are many benefits to swimming, but beyond the pleasure afforded by aquatic recreation, a dip in the pool also has many health benefits – especially for seniors. Check out these top 9 health reasons everyone 60+ should take a regular swim: Swimming reduces the risk of osteoporosis: Post-menopausal women…
h1lloHappy Spring West Orange Pool Owner!
As we are quickly approaching swimming pool weather, we would be more that happy to come out an do a quick inspection of your pool and pool pump system to make sure you are all set to jump in when the spirit moves you. We do this with all of our new…
h1lloWhen matching price, be sure to match quality too!
During the course of a work week I am probably asked 4 or 5 times if we price match our competitors. My answer is always the same – if the competitor carries the same consumer protection as us, if they have the same record with the authorities as we do…
h1lloWhy Choose a Licensed Pool Contractor?
Most people are familiar with the potential dangers of hiring an unlicensed construction contractor to build an addition to their home. This concern oftentimes doesn’t extend to the service providing the cleaning and maintenance for your pool. Unfortunately, this may be due in part to the unclear certifications in our…