h1lloMay is National Water Safety Month
Hello there fellow pool enthusiast! Just a quick heads up to let you know that May is National Water Safety Month. Click here to check out an infographic for some pool safety tips to help keep everyone safe this month and all Summer long! If you would like…
h1lloHappy Spring West Orange Pool Owner!
As we are quickly approaching swimming pool weather, we would be more that happy to come out an do a quick inspection of your pool and pool pump system to make sure you are all set to jump in when the spirit moves you. We do this with all of our new…

h1lloLocally Owned Pool Service Company Turns 25 Years Old
Originally formed in July of 1988, Windermere Pool Services was started with a vision of providing reliable and superior quality pool cleaning, maintenance and repairs to their customers. A vision they’ve upheld for over 25 years. Windermere Pool Services’ first location was situated directly on Main Street in the heart…
h1lloWhen matching price, be sure to match quality too!
During the course of a work week I am probably asked 4 or 5 times if we price match our competitors. My answer is always the same – if the competitor carries the same consumer protection as us, if they have the same record with the authorities as we do…
h1lloGetting Clear on Water Clarity
If you are anything like me, you probably have a hard time switching off from work even when the work day is supposed to have been left far behind. My curse is that I cannot enjoy a pool unless it is in the best possible condition. This was a particular…
h1lloWhen is a good price not a good price?
We get calls from potential new pool cleaning customers every week thanks to our 25 year reputation in the industry, our bright new truck decals and our beautiful new website. Frequently the first question the caller wants answered is how much our monthly charge is. Of course price is an important factor…