When is a good price not a good price?

We get calls from potential new pool cleaning customers every week thanks to our 25 year reputation in the industry, our bright new truck decals and our beautiful new website. Frequently the first question the caller wants answered is how much our monthly charge is. Of course price is an important factor when finding a new service provider but what is just as important is what you get for that price. Every pool company has different ideas of what is and what isn’t included in their service price and what will be charged as an ‘extra’.

If you are looking for a pool service company ask them whether the following items are included in the flat monthly charge for pool cleaning:

  • Chemicals
    It would seem obvious that all chemicals are included in the pool service charge right? Well you would be wrong. Many companies charge extra for Cyanuric Acid (stabilizer) in the summer months and for Phosphate removal products.  Not us! Our charge includes both of those chemicals.
  • Salt cell cleaning
    On a routine basis (generally every three months) the cell on a salt chlorination system needs to be dis-assembled and cleaned. Most companies charge $50 for this service – we include it for free. Avoiding a $50 charge four times a year means our monthly cleaning price is now saving you $17pm.
  • Storm/Hurricane clean ups
    This is an issue that is very pertinent following the severe weather that we saw just this past week. Our employees have been pulling trees, garden furniture, broken screens, bbq grills, broken glass tables and, of course, leaves by the bucketful out of our customers pools this week. That has meant long hard hours for each and every one of them but not one customer has been charged extra for their pool service this week. The same is true every hurricane season.

When you hire Windermere Pool Services you get, quite simply, the best pool cleaning company in this area.

When you realize just what is included in our price, you get great value too!

Posted on:
March 29, 2013


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