
Customer Agreement
Thank you for choosing Windermere Pool Services! We are excited to have the opportunity to be your preferred provider for pool cleaning, maintenance, and repairs. We are committed to ensuring that your pool remains in pristine condition for your swimming enjoyment. Please take a moment to review some of our policies below.
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In Memory of Don Carey: A Pillar of Windermere Pool Services
We have received many telephone calls and emails over the last 48 hours and wanted to confirm the incredibly sad news that our Senior Repair Tech Don Carey has passed away after a short illness. Don has been a fixture here since June of 2009 and is our longest…
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Warm Pools. Cool Convenience.
Keep your pool at the perfect temperature for all your holiday guests As the pool water temperatures continue to drop we know that many of you will be turning your pool heater on for the first time in six months, only to find it has a problem when you go to…
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Swim Safer This Summer by Inspecting Your Drain Cover
Summertime means spending time outdoors, soaking up the Florida sun, and splashing away in the pool with the family. It’s tremendous fun for everyone of all ages. But before any fun can be had, you must first have peace-of-mind. And to have peace-of-mind, you need to know that your children…
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Holiday Service Hours
Windermere Pool Services would like to thank you for your business this year and to send you, and your family, our very best wishes for the holiday season. Each year we struggle to give our staff vacation time while ensuring that we maintain service levels when you need our help most…
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